We develop organic young red wines, by using OAK MASTER® wine innovative closure that adds tannins and other phenolic compounds. This development involves presenting a unique wine in the world with a potential antioxidant up to three times greater than any wine that has been aged in barrel for long time. The symbiosis between wine and the pure toasted oak until the corkage, is a novelty for the followers of natural medicine and bio products. Also emphasizes the symbolic nature of oak, which has a medicinal tradition in various cultures since druids times . With OAK MASTER® innovative closures, the oak is appreciated visually, as well as their aromatic compounds are intensive when you touch it and smell it physically . Its spectrum is extended to all the senses besides the taste and smell.

Resveratrol is one of the components present in the wine and the oak, have attracted more media interest in both the scientific community and among the general public. Why? Experiments have shown that in animals and significant biological effects, among which are the anti-inflammatory action, the effects on the occurrence of tumor cells and the development and progression of tumors, antifibrogenic effects and antioxidant effects.
Is a polyphenol resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene) that is found in different plants, including grapes. This consists of two isomers, trans-resveratrol and cins. It is located in the skins and seeds, and passes musts, wines, wood and wine during fermentation. The dose of resveratrol in wine is variable and depends on numerous factors such as the grape variety, climate, the degree of infection of the grape, the contact time of the must with the grape skins, the exposure time to ultraviolet light and so on. So, with more moisture, infections or greater aggression, greater contact with the grape must, increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation and less aging, as much resveratrol. In general, the concentration of resveratrol in red wines is higher than in whites.
"The resveratrol concentration falls between 58 and 68% when the wines are aged in oak barrels. It seems that the phenomena of precipitation, oxidation and / or absorption that occur during aging in barrel are responsible for this decline. "

From wood during stay in the bottle, can appear in wine phenolic substances such as coumarins, derived from cinnamic acids oak, and grouped so aglycone, as aesculetina when the wood has a natural drying, acid flavor and scopoletin .
During the toasting process OAK MASTER® oak parts, wood undergoes significant heating may degrade lignin-containing wood, forming volatile phenols other aromatic complex smoked or roasted flavors, such as guaiacol, guaiacol methyl , ethyl guaiacol, guaiacol propyl, allyl guaiacol, sirigol, methyl syringol, etc.
OAK TANNINS. hydrolysable tannins
Hydrolysable tannins are formed by gallotannins and ellagitannins, by acid hydrolysis to release respectively gallic acid and ellagic acid, containing both a glucose molecule. The most abundant belong to the ellagitannins, which include vescalagin and castalagin, which upon hydrolysis become vescalina and castalina respectively. These substances are highly soluble in hydroalcoholic media such as wine or spirits, and have very different to the condensed grape tannins properties, with the presence of ellagic acid characteristic of manufactured OAK MASTER® wines. Ellagitannins are mainly obtained from the bark and trunks of trees such as oak (Quersus sp) of different varieties, such as Missouri alba, alba Virginia, garrayana, pentrea, primus, as well as the same, but in different regions such as France Czechoslovakia and North America.
As for the organoleptic contribution, gallic tannins are present slightly bitter taste and astringent. Fortunately, the oak does not have a lot of this type of tannin and therefore its contribution to the flavor of the wine will be minimal. The ellagitannins are also involved in the sensation of astringency which decreases by increasing the level of toasting in the process of developing OAK MASTER® closures.

Resveratrol, a substance present in the wine and vines and oak, which is attributed the ability to fight and even reverse many of the processes of aging. Says in this regard Professor David Sinclair, a professor at Harvard University and first researcher who linked this component of red wine with longevity.
He is right. And, in addition to increasing life expectancy, studies indicate that resveratrol helps prevent chronic diseases associated with aging, from cardiovascular disease to Alzheimer's, through the osteoporosis, arthritis, cataracts, psoriasis and even wrinkles. Are we at last to the fountain of youth?
80,000 molecules
Professor David Sinclair is one of the scientists that has studied aging. He himself found, 10 years ago, how resveratrol is able to prolong the life of cells up to 70%, by activating sirtuins, longevity genes. Over the years, Sinclair and his team have been showing step by step how this molecule increased the lifespan of yeast, worms after later insect (bees and flies) and finally mammals, namely mice. "We saw that rodents treated with it had just having twice endurance and relatively immune to the effects of obesity and age," he explains. The pharmaceutical industry was quick to see the potential of these findings and thus was born Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, a partnership between David Sinclair and the pharmaceutical company GSK.